Services: Disposals


ARC’s disposals service covers everything from single High Street disposals to multi-let shopping centres and mixed use schemes. We have a dedicated team providing considered insight at a senior level.

The retail and hospitality markets continually evolve and never standstill. At ARC we meticulously research the markets we operate in, to identify the latest transactional trends. We also identify situations to maximise returns through surrenders, regears and right-sizing properties.

Our primary focus is large centres such as Bath, Bristol, Cardiff, Cheltenham, Exeter and Plymouth, but our reach goes much further across the South of England and South Wales.

Barclays disposals
Case study:

Barclays disposals

Barclays Bank Plc has been carrying out a phased closure programme in response to the continuing transition to online banking. Since 2019, ARC has been instructed by Barclays on branch disposals in the South West and South Wales.

The main objectives of our disposal service are identifying the most cost effective exit route, depending upon market conditions and minimising Barclays ongoing leasehold liabilities.

ARC has successfully negotiated disposals in a variety of locations across the South West and South Wales, saving Barclays over £500,000. ARC’s success has come from identifying prospective occupiers, particularly where landlords are unwilling to engage in surrender discussions. This enables us to negotiate an early surrender to minimise exit costs.

Boxhall, Welsh Back, Bristol
Case study:

Boxhall, Welsh Back, Bristol

These former transit sheds, dating from the 1880s, are situated adjacent to Bristol’s historic floating harbour. Planning approval was secured by Cordwell Developments to create three restaurants in 2018. Following ARC's appointment as joint leasing agent in 2020, we advised the developer to review its leasing strategy in view of the emerging food hall trend in the UK. We’d seen these amazing food halls on trips to Lisbon, Madrid and in the South of France and similar food halls had opened in London and Greater Manchester. In our view, the transit sheds presented the best opportunity for a food hall in Bristol. 

ARC carried out an extensive marketing campaign, securing three offers for the whole building at the beginning of the Covid pandemic. Using this competition, ARC negotiated the best market terms with food hall pioneers BoxPark, creating an institutional grade investment to kickstart the project. BoxPark will open a brand-new premium food and beverage concept in 2024.

Speak to us about Disposals